We are moving into week 4 of the coronavirus hitting us in the UK and week 3 of the lockdown. I wonder what this week will bring. Things seem to change day by day!
Who would have thought 6 months ago that our world would be almost completely online? I know I have said it before but I have found the transition to working online easier than I thought. Of course, I have had a few technical hitches but resolved them in the end! I feel that I am constantly learning new tricks and tips to manage the online platforms. I love a challenge and I love learning new skills. Don’t get me wrong though, nothing is perfect and I do have the odd moments of wanting to throw my laptop out the window when it’s not doing what I want it to do! 😂
I know there are a lot of therapists however that are uncertain about moving online, there’s lots of training available, the EMDR Association UK and Ireland have provided some fantastic webinars and I have produced a PDF (http://eepurl.com/gFQN0P) to help with the transition but as one of my supervisees said this week, you have to find the courage to just do it and then see what happens! I’m here to support you, please do follow my facebook page www.facebook.com/theemdrsupervisor.
What I did notice this week was that after a full day’s work with client sessions and supervision sessions I was absolutely exhausted. More so than my usual clinic when I see a mixture of face to face sessions and online sessions. I was curious as to what this was about.
I think the added stress, the traumatic times we are living in and the fact that we are all working so hard to keep things going with our clients and our supervisees makes everything more tiring at the moment.
I am well aware that I need to look after myself and stay well to be able to offer anything useful to anyone. So I am making sure I get down time too, time watching rubbish films or playing board games with my family. I’m also restricting how much I read the newspapers or watch the news, I’m doing my calm app exercises and I’m trying to get out each day for a walk. These are my self care activities at the moment and I have to make sure I prioritise them.
I also think there’s a fair bit of pressure on us too and I do have moments when I feel like I should be doing more, I should be better at this home schooling thing (but honestly trying to get an unmotivated 9 year old to work is exhausting and almost impossible when I’m working too) but I am realising it’s about having that kindness towards ourself and recognising that whatever we are able to do at the moment is good enough.