Recharge your EMDR practice - the webinar series

Building your skills and confidence in EMDR – and in your own time with my online course.

Are you trained as an EMDR therapist?

Has it been a while since you completed your standard training?

Are you an EMDR Practitioner working towards becoming an EMDR Consultant

Would you benefit from the support of likeminded clinicians?

Do you have questions about using EMDR in your clinical work?

Do you prefer to learn in your own time?

If the answer is yes, this online course may be perfect for you.

Enhancing our therapy skills

When we start off on our EMDR journey, we often don’t do enough EMDR work initially to justify the cost of regular supervision sessions but without extra support we can quickly lose confidence in EMDR. We can start to veer a little off track and what we learnt on our EMDR training can become a little fuzzy. There is definitely something in that saying, “use it or lose it.”

We can then become less likely to take on EMDR cases, it can easily become a vicious circle and we can be left feeling that our EMDR skills are fading and we are not fully utilising the training we invested in.

And yet I know that you don’t want to lose the knowledge and skills you gained during your EMDR training.

This course will help you

Develop a deep knowledge of the Adaptive Information Processing theory of EMDR.

Understand the purpose of each of the 8 phases of the EMDR standard protocol.

Develop competence in creating case conceptualisations using a 3 pronged approach. 

Dive deep into cognitive interweaves, developing a tool box of interweaves that can be used.

Understand how we can use case conceptualisation to work with a number of presenting problems such as current anxieties and phobia.

The course includes a set of 5 webinars

1: A recap of the 8 phase standard protocol part 1

2. A recap of the 8 phase standard protocol part 2

3: Case conceptualisation in EMDR

4: Cognitive Interweaves

5: EMDR with current anxiety and phobias


Each pre-recorded webinar is available to view in my online course portal. You can view it in your time and at your own pace.

There are bonuses too

You’ll have access to your own copy of the presentation slides, as well as a PDF handout to print off and write your notes on.

You will also get access to a closed Facebook group with fellow clinicians and the alumni of clinicians who have already completed the webinar series.

The course will be

EASY for you to access, you’ll create a login and the course will be available immediately in the online learning portal.

FLEXIBLE, you can watch at a time and learn in your own time whenever you like.

SUPPORTIVE – you will have peers on the same journey with you. 

CONFIDENCE BUILDING – an experiential learning journey.

The cost of the full webinar series is £225

Or you can choose to pay for the webinars individually from as little as £49.

What do I bring to the program?

Hi, my name is Dr Hannah Bryan and I am a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and a Europe Approved EMDR Consultant and Facilitator. I have used EMDR in my Clinical practice since 2006. I have been an EMDR Consultant since 2014 and an EMDR Facilitator since 2019. 

I was slow to start my EMDR journey, I had a supervisor next door to support me and that was just amazing but I worked in NHS secondary care mental health services and often felt my clients were too complex to use EMDR with. I was looking for a single straightforward trauma that just never seems to be referred into services.

So I think I went a bit off piste and made life a bit harder for myself then it needed to be. When I found that I stuck to the standard 8 phase treatment protocol, I started to see massive improvements in my clients and in my confidence. So I completed refresher training and felt it re energised my EMDR practice.

I want to share with you some of the steps and the key learnings that helped me learn to become a better EMDR therapist and achieve some amazing results with my clients. 

I am extremely passionate about helping clinicians improve their knowledge and skills in EMDR. I want you to improve your confidence and practice it more with your clients.

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The webinar series has really helped me build my confidence using EMDR. the webinars not only helped me refresh my knowledge but also offered some great information on areas that were not covered in so much detail when I did my basic training

Emma Groves – Clinical Psychologist 


I was hesitant at first to sign up for Hannah's workshop purely as I was preparing for Consultant Training and knew it would be covering much of what I know. However after a chat with Hannah I decided it would be a lovely refresher of some of the basics and I'm really pleased I did it. There were some tips and ideas that were really helpful. I met another consultant trainee and we both agreed that it was a worthwhile course. Dr Barbara Smith - Psychotherapist


Ruth - Forensic Psychologist

”You put things so simply, in my mind I’ve made something so complex and get super imposter syndrome, and you bring it back to something quite simple and understandable, it’s really helpful” – Ruth – Forensic Psychologist.

Amanda - Clinical Psychologist

They are accessible, if I’ve got a spare hour I can just watch it, and learn, it’s a lot easier than going away and ploughing through a book, it feels a lot easier to go online … or even watch in 2 halves.”

Sue - Clinical Psychologist

Said about the Facebook group - ”It feels nice to be part of a community of people that are learning about EMDR... I know it’s a good place if I need a quick question answered, I know I can post it and within an hour someone will have said something ...either you ... or a group member”