Demystifying the EMDR Accreditation Process - The workbook

Are you an EMDR therapist who wants to grow, develop and thrive within EMDR therapy and ultimately become an Accredited EMDR Practitioner?

Does the thought of the Accreditation process leave you feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, unclear or confused.

Then this workbook may be just what you need

Do you find it hard to find the time (or the patience) to plough through the books, videos, training manuals or the overwhelming amount of information out there to clarify your understanding of EMDR?

Do you know exactly what knowledge and skill you need to demonstrate around EMDR for your Accreditation?

Do you fully understand the criteria you need to fulfil to be eligible to apply for Accredited Practitioner status?

This workbook is a simple practical guide reminding you of everything you need to know to become an Accredited EMDR Practitioner.

The workbook comes in 2 parts.

Part 1 

Explains what competencies need to be demonstrated to your supervisor and gives some ideas about how this can be completed.

It’s a PDF for you to download or print and complete. 

I recommend that it’s completed after each supervision session so you can reflect on the competencies discussed in supervision. The workbook can be built on session my session

Here’s an example of a page in the workbook →

Part 2 is a Quiz

This is for you to test your EMDR knowledge of the standard protocol. It’s a set of 28 questions covering each of the 8 phases in the Standard EMDR protocol.

The answers are provided with a detailed description to enhance your knowledge and understanding of EMDR.

This can become your reference cheat sheet!

It will help you identify what knowledge and skill you already have and help you recognise those areas that you might need to find out more about.

See opposite for a sample page →

This workbook is available to you for £23.99 

Hi, my name is Dr Hannah Bryan and I am a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and a Europe Approved EMDR Consultant and Facilitator. I have used EMDR in my Clinical practice since 2006. I have been an EMDR Consultant since 2014 and an EMDR Facilitator since 2019.

It took me many years to understand more about the Accreditation process, I think I was just waiting for my EMDR supervisor to tell me that she thought I was ready for it!!

As I look back on the journey I went on, I can see the steps I took to gain my Accreditation. I want to share with you some of the steps and the key learnings that helped me learn to become a better EMDR therapist and achieve some amazing results for my clients. 

The EMDR Supervisor - membership group (2)


Dr Paul Langthorne

Chartered Clinical Psychologist

Europe Approved EMDR Practitioner

The thought of applying for my EMDR Practitioner accreditation felt pretty daunting to me. I’d had several years of practising EMDR with lots of patients but finding a way of collating the work that I’d done and the knowledge I’d gained had proved difficult. Hannah’s ‘Demystifying the EMDR Accreditation process’ workbook, proved an incredibly helpful resource that broke down the accreditation process and helped me to appreciate the competencies, knowledge and skills I’d acquired over the years. The process of working through the workbook both on my own and within supervision helped me to take those final steps to accreditation and really grew my readiness for accreditation. I would heartily recommend the workbook for others wanting to work towards EMDR accreditation, either for those at the early stages of that journey or those who are more advanced in working towards it.

I have been working through Hannah’s workbook ‘Demystifying the EMDR Accreditation Process’ for the past few months and this, together with monthly group supervision, watching Hannah’s webinars and the ‘Accreditation Challenge’ that I recently undertook, means that I am moving towards accreditation at a steady pace.

I have found that the workbook is accessible and user-friendly, it contains specific sections related to the accreditation requirements, which makes tracking your progress easy and satisfying.

Additionally, completing the quiz helped me to see how far I had come, and to realise that I was on the right track, as well as expanding my understanding of some aspects of EMDR. The workbook has kept me on track towards my goal of applying for accreditation just 12 months after completing the training.

Sara Ward

Registered Social Worker
BACP registered Counsellor
EMDR Therapist