The most frequently asked EMDR Supervision questions – Part 2
The safe place isn’t working, what should I do? So the second most frequently asked question that comes to me in EMDR Supervision is, MY CLIENT CAN’T DO THE SAFE PLACE, when do we continue with our Phase 3 Assessment and Phase 4 Desensitisation work? Disappointingly the answer often is Read more…
How to get started as an EMDR therapist?
Sadly, a lot a lot of therapists train in EMDR and fail to progress into practising. This may be because they don’t know where to start and they don’t feel confident enough to get going. DON’T LET THIS BE YOU. Spend time thinking about how you can get started as Read more…
Learning from others in EMDR group supervision.
I love to learn. My brain gets bored if I am not actively learning new stuff. I love reading blogs, articles, listening to podcasts, chatting to people, it all grows my mind and sparks joy for me. Another thing that I love so much about my work! (Sorry if I Read more…
Taking the leap to become an EMDR Facilitator
Taking the leap to become an EMDR Facilitator You might well know by now, I absolutely love EMDR!! I remember getting to the point when I had reached Consultant level, I was so proud of my journey and what I had achieved. I became an EMDR Consultant in the weeks Read more…